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Smart Lotte World Tower Mall

Combined with space and technology Smart Lotte World
Tower Mall

You can get convenient and diverse services through the Lotte World Tower Mall app, such as store and floor information, route mapping, gourmet restaurant guides, shopping & culture news, events, and parking services.

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매장 위치, 내가 원하는 목적지까지 빠른길찾기 서비스

Route mapping information

Store location and directions to your desired destination The route mapping service is provided

Gourmet Guide

The trending hotspots of the Lotte World Tower Mall!
Together with the gourmet street information organized by theme, it gives you the information on gourmet restaurants by type to satisfy your tastes! !

롯데월드타워몰의 핫플레이스 맛집거리에 대한 정보와 맛가이드 서비스
이벤트, 전시/공연, 매장행사, 당첨자발표 등 각종 혜택과 문화체험 서비스

Shopping/Culture etc.

Event news provided Event, appreciation event, exhibit/concert, etc. Enjoy the various benefits and cultural experiences offered by the Lotte World Tower Mall.

Parking Services

Find my car service, parking fee pre-settlement, etc. It’s a convenient parking service for you.

차량 위치 확인과 사전정산, 각 층별 주차장 현황 등 주차 서비스